2008年11月7日 星期五

Sex on TV Increases Teen Pregnancy, Say Report

Sex on TV Increases Teen Pregnancy, Say Report
Sex on TV has come a long way in the past few years. Anyone who saw the first episode of 90210— a pair of students engage in oral sex in the first episode of the new sequel to Beverly Hills 90210 — can attest to that.
My Reaction:
When I saw this news , it reminded me that when I was a junior high school student, I had heard too many horrible experiences from other students who were the same age as I was. Because of the immature mind, teenagers can’t tell the right from wrong and they don’t really understand how serious it will be if they get pregnant in a very early age. Besides, it also refers that our government should pay more attentions on our TV programs, Internet, and even movies. If we just let teenagers abuse them in some inappropriate ways, it is impossible for us to solve this problem. However, I think that another important thing to control this bad situation is parents’ disciplines and correct education on sex. Parents should notice that not to make their children see some movies or shows that are relevant to sex and the thing they must to do is to educate them the right aspects and tell them the consequences they will receive if they have pregnancy. So after I thought about this issue, there is still another perspective on my mind, which is that maybe it is good for our teenagers to enter the single-sex schools to separate the gender from the opposite one. Because it may be an another different method to reduce the rate of teen pregnancy. Last, if we gather the method mentioned above, I have confidence we can stop this phenomenon effectively and improve our society.(245words)

Stress Takes Greater Emotional Toll On Seniors

Older adults appear to be more affected by stress than younger people, a new study suggests.

My Reaction:
As for me, stress has a great influence on every one of all ages. It really plays a vital role in our daily lives and in each different part. Without having some appropriate stress, people may get lazy and just relax themselves; what’s worse, we may get rid of our responsibilities and obligations we should have. Although stress sometimes would do harm to our health physically and mentally, it can be regarded as an opportunity of self-discipline ,emotional control ,and ,the most important, promoting our compressive strengths lest we should be defeated by our weaknesses or frustrations. Therefore, if there isn’t any stress being pressed on me, I won’t encourage myself to make progresses and will not have the motive to do everything actively.
Moreover, in the beginning, it is a little bit hard for me to be convinced of what information this article gives me, despite that I used to believe that the younger people are likely to be affected by stress. Because adults are more mature and responsible than teenagers in my traditional aspects. But through the scientific proof, I was wrong. Due to their pressure on jobs, financial situations or something, I just realize why this study could suggest and I can totally understand the phenomenon of this article